From The Author:

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.

—Albert Einstein

After working on writing this book for over two years, reading 117 books on black and white photography, and working with two editors, one technical editor, and two proofreaders—and with five people working through all of the lessons—I am sure there are still some things that made it past all of us. In the publishing world, this is referred to as errata. Errata is a list of errors and their corrections on a separate page in a book or other publication. Should you find something that you feel is "errata", please email me directly at so it can be included in a list that I will update here on this download page. The current errata are contained in a zip file linked below this paragraph. If you have any questions whatsoever and need some more clarity than the book affords, please do not hesitate to email me. My goal with this book is to make it as helpful a resource as possible.

Click here for a zip file of errata.

Best regards

Vincent Versace

Suggested Readings

  1. The Negative

    by Ansel Adams

  2. The Print

    by Ansel Adams

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